Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Please don't make me wait

There are rules of behavior for this kind of thing. And although unwritten and completely subjective, in my mind they were broken. I met this girl online. We've been exchanging texts of late and trying to find a time to meet. Usually, after some negative experiences in the past, I prefer to meet for the first time after seeing the person on cam. Otherwise, waste of time and money. But it was a spontaneous text message, a simple What are you doing? and that caught me off guard.

I'm at my hotel, I said. She then proceeds to tell me she's in the neighborhood and asks if I want to eat something at the local shopping center. As it's close to 8 o'clock and I haven't eaten, I'm open to the suggestion. Even if she's bad company, it might be better than dining alone, yet again.  But first, I ask her They have food there? and tell her I need a quick shower, but that my hotel is not far away.

She replies Ok, I wait you there. Quick quick. So I hustle and get on my one dollar rent-a-bike and arrive in just shy of ten minutes. I lock the bike and look around - not that I'd recognize her anyway, but just in case somebody looks like they are anticipating the arrival of a tall white guy. Nobody was so I called her to see where she was hiding.

I'm on my way she says. Naturally, I think You're on your fucking way?? And she proceeds to tell me she has to bring her brother home and she'll be there in 15 minutes. 15 minutes?? I am not happy. You tell me quick quick and I hustle my balls to get there 15 minutes early? I compose myself, maybe I can wait. I ask her where we will eat. She says ice cream or some shit. I thought we were eating dinner.

I ask her if she ate dinner. She said no. Why don't we get dinner first? I suggest. Ok, she says, I want chicken fried. Not in the mood for this anymore, I say I'm not and ask if she's interested in anything else. She then suggests pizza or the aforementioned chicken fried. I say I want Cambodian food. I know that even though she invited me and chose the restaurant there was a 99% chance I'd be paying the bill. Of course.

She thinks for a minute and then I lose it. I'm sorry, I'm not interested anymore. I don't want to wait and I don't want KFC or pizza. Maybe we can meet another time. To be honest, I'd be happier with my dollar fried rice talking to the wall. And feel more at home in a hooker bar than in some Western fast food establishment with someone I don't know. Fuck that. She obliged my request, I hung up and cycled annoyed, but relieved back to my hotel.

And here I sit, trying to get it out before it eats my soul. At least I feel alive now. I was quite sleepy. I fucking hate waiting, that's all I have to say. I don't mind five to ten minutes or occasionally more, but not when you imply you're already there and tell me to hurry. For what? I hate waiting for people. Waiting at red lights, waiting for you to finish your sentence, waiting for my turn at bat, waiting for the image to load, waiting to exhale, waiting to tee off. I'd rather eat shit and die than play a round of golf for six hours. Four is long enough!

Ok, I think that's enough. It has helped me immensely. Thank you for reading and shaking your head. Tyler, Tyler you say. Eat it. I can't wait anymore, my beer is waiting! And although the need to consume has been lessened, the need is still there. Angkor, Anchor or Cambodia? Which one will it be? Oh, I hate making decisions. That's a whole other topic to be discussed with you soon.

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