Saturday, December 29, 2012

Climaxing by the river with a cup of joe

Enjoying a relatively quiet morning at Climax Coffee by the river. I had a coffee shake. I usually prefer to climax in the evening before bed, but these days I'll take it when I can get it. Even though I finished my shake a while ago, I'm still waiting to orgasm. Oh, come on! What else does the word climax imply? The fourth definition on simply states 'an orgasm' so I don't think my mind is too off track. It's an interesting name for a coffee shop, to say the least.

My moto is in the shop. I asked the guy in bungled Khmer to check everything. He said it would take four hours and cost five bucks. Four hours! Five bucks! Of course, that's not including the oil change, the new headlight or the price to fix the rear brake. But whatever it takes as I'm planning an excursion early in the new year and I'd prefer not to break down. After a year of zero income and an exorbitant amount of travel, I'm planning on starting 2013 with another little journey. And then, get serious. Yeah.

The plan, at the moment, is to take the moto to Phnom Penh, stay a couple nights and then head to Sihanoukville, the beach, stay for a few nights and then return to Siem Reap, stopping somewhere along the way. It's approximately 315 kilometers to Phnom Penh and an additional 230 kilometers to the beach. Of course, this journey is best done with friends, but nobody is ever free when I am and I can't wait forever. So, I think, but I'm not 100% committed, that I will leave early on the 2nd of January and meet some friends later that afternoon in Phnom Penh who will be traveling by minivan.

Not a perfect plan, but life ain't perfect. Can't wait forever and when I have time I have to jump at the opportunity. At least that's the way I look at it. Anyway, there are too many mosquitos in Climax Coffee. Perhaps that is their way of pushing out customers. Some turn the air conditioning on high, some look at you funny and others just let in the mosquitos. I must have killed a dozen mosquitos already today. Mostly with my electrified zapper, but most recently Karate Kid style. Not with chopsticks, but with a mechanical arm style grab. I, however, crushed the 'prize.'

Some random thoughts. Why do some people seem to like every single fucking comment on Facebook? That's annoying. Only like those that are original, witty or perhaps complimentary in nature. You can't just like anything. A clear example of brown-nosing. And then there are those people that post a status or a picture and like all of their posts. Clearly in a delusional world of their own. Liking your own stuff is warranted on occasion. Other than that, it's abusive and you should be banned from Facebook. Or your 'friends' should unfriend you. There should be rules for this.

At the gym this morning, otherwise known as the sauna by the crocodile farm, I had a pretty good workout. My shoulders seem to be hurting less than usual, perhaps thanks to some advice from a Khmer bodybuilder and the Japanese trainer. Most of the other guys, usually shirtless and ripped, I have found to be good people. Far less ego-inflated than the dudes frequenting the gyms back home. Of course there is still the occasional pud giving free, unwelcome advice such as correct abdominal technique coming from a guy with a flabby belly. Kind of like taking financial advice from a bum. Thanks, but fuck off.

It's time to urinate. I've been fending off the urge for nearly an hour now. Besides, it's getting hot in here and I'm not taking off all my clothes. And it's past twelve and I've yet to eat breakfast. So, as usual my stomach is leading the way to a place unknown, but not far away. Take care, until next time, thanks for reading, have a nice weekend and Happy New Year. 

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