Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 48: getting my razor ready

December 5, 2012. Day 48 of the mustache. I think I will make it to day 50 and call it a day. I'm tired of having this itchy mess above my lip and looking like a creep. In all actuality, I am only keeping it because I don't know if my role in the film is finished. I am a bad man in the movie, a violent sex tourist and pedophile. How did I agree to that one? Do you want to see my monkeys? I hope this won't affect my run for the presidency in a few years.

In other news, I have an itchy throat. And I'm wearing purple and gray striped socks. First time in months I've worn long socks. It's like wearing flip flops for too long and shoes actually feel good. Same same. Besides, I bought these socks in India and have never worn them. It's time to get my dollar's worth. I think the Japanese green tea was good for my throat. I'm not sure about the chocolate chip cookies. They were good though. Thank goodness there were only five otherwise I'd still be eating.

Listening to fun. at the moment. I think they've pretty much blown up, but if you've yet to hear of them, take a listen. Modern day version of Queen. Aside from that, what else is new? We're in the midst of filming A Cambodian Winter, which is an interesting experience to say the least. Check it on Facebook if you're curious. Today is a day off or a half day off, I'm not really sure. I'm taking advantage of the free time cause most days are from 10am to midnight. Of course there is a lot of down time, but I generally have to be at the ready and can't be sitting in front of my MacBook in the middle of a rice field.

The year is almost over. I'm trying to stay present, but thoughts of the future are creeping in. I don't think I'll be in Cambodia for 2013, but we all know anything can happen. Starting to think about Bangkok or Hanoi and see how my gut responds. So far, it's saying mmmmmm to both Thai and Vietnamese food. You can't go wrong either way. Still don't know what I'd do in either place, but as I typically do, I'll probably figure it out when I get there.

Well, my bladder is saying get the fuck outta this cafe, but I'm still here and not quite ambitious enough to get up. Not quite sure what to do next. I guess I'll post a picture and get the hell on out of here. This pic was from a couple weeks ago. Transporting banana trees on the back of my moto, Cambodian style. From my friend's house to the orphanage. Making it look good or at least more interesting for the film. Art direction. The tree was a dollar and I was told it was too expensive. Whatever.


  1. ooo dunno about playing a sexual deviant pedophile...ICK......Did they think you had the look for it or what? hahaha

  2. haha well i was growing my mustache at the time and was told not to shave, just in case. whatever...not the BEST role to be playing, but once i shave i'll feel like a new man.
