Sunday, January 15, 2012

Last day in Indo

It's raining, again. I think this is perhaps the 11th day in a row. Not surprising since it is monsoon season, but this shit gets old, let me tell you. I haven't done shit for days. Let me make sure you read that right, I have taken shits, but haven't done shit. And doing nothing gets old!

I have enjoyed Indonesia. Yes, I had some rough bits in the middle and I nearly threw in the towel. I remember being stuck in Denpasar, standing in a downpour wondering how I was going to renew my visa and whispering to myself I give up. I fucking give up.

And strangely, from that point, everything has gone alright. In fact, I wonder how I ever really worried about anything that I previously worried about. Anyway! I think I'm ready to move on. Tomorrow, Malaysia beckons once again. I'm pretty sure the first thing to do there, will be to get on a bus to Thailand. I mean, I liked Malay food and all, but just don't find developing countries that fascinating, I guess.

I could easily spend more time in Indonesia. So much is unexplored. I've been lingering in Bali too long, going to clubs, drinking too much cheap booze, staring at pole dancers and distorting my mind. That shit ain't good for you. Alters your perception of reality and fucks you up! I'm talking about the pole dancers.

So, here I am in Kuta Bali, for the third time. I've managed to enjoy it here despite initial fears of hating this place. I put on my blinders and ignore the ignoramuses - mostly those guys wearing big muscles and a tank top. They're invisible to me. And if you can do that, this place ain't half bad.

Unfortunately I didn't get to try surfing again. I was too lazy this morning. I blame it on the rain, like Milli Vanilli. It has deterred me from doing a lot of things lately, but just walking around from cafe to cafe isn't that bad. I have managed to listen to 46 of 48 Learning Indonesian mp3s. I am proud of what I know even if I can't string it together as quickly as I'd like. Just wish I started studying sooner.

And here we are now at 5:45pm. I have to get up at 3:45am - not looking forward to that. Still drizzling outside, just killing time now or I'll be walking around deciding if I need another pair of board shorts or if buying that 'Two in the pink, one in the stink' t-shirt would be a good idea. I'll probably pass.

What else can I do? I got a motorbike with gas in the tank I'd like to siphon out before I return it at 8pm. But I don't feel like driving in the rain and getting pulled over by a cock, I mean cop who wants to get some extra beer money. They seem to be everywhere in Bali. And I can't eat all the time despite my recent love affair with Indonesian cuisine and tempeh in particular.

I can prepare my bags though and with that, I will end this ramble and sign off! Until I'm bored again...

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