Monday, January 16, 2012

Annoying interactions

We all have them. Occasional negative exchanges with our fellow man in the midst of our own human struggles. Here are my two examples from today.

-----------------------------------------------example 1-----------------------------------------------------

The first one happened this morning. I had to get a ride to the airport at 4:30 this morning so I spoke to the motorbike driver last night. He said 40,000 so I said 30,000 and naturally he countered with 35,000. As it was quite early in the morning and only an extra fifty cents, I didn't push it any further and agreed to the deal. I sensed the price was reasonable to both parties, but still in his favor.

He initially took me to the airport through some back alleys, which I presumed was a faster route. I didn't want faster, just wanted comfortable. So we're dodging pot holes and going over random speed bumps. Not really into it. And then he's making random conversation, which however nice, wasn't that welcome that early in the morning. Just drive.

We arrive at the airport. I get off the bike and the first thing the dick says is Help me out, boss. Give me 50,000. Sorry man, we talked about this last night. He continued trying to get a few extra rupiah out of me. If I had really negotiated with this guy and actually liked him, I might have thrown him a little extra, but not since he asked. Especially not the way he asked. Probably worked for him in the past, but not this time.

I looked in my wallet for the exact change and surprised not to find it, I decided to offer him 40,000 if he had change for a  fifty. He said Sorry and pulled out a couple crumpled bills amounting to 7,000. Dick 'didn't have change' so I looked a little closer in my wallet. Feeling less than generous, I pulled out two dirty tens, two dirty fives, two twos and a one - the only small bills I had - and happily handed them over. Here ya go, ya fuck.

----------------------------------------------example 2------------------------------------------------------

The second one happened this afternoon. Feeling good and settled into my one star hotel in Kuala Lumpur, I entered the local 7/11 for a snack and some water. Half the shit in the store didn't seem to have a price, which is annoying in and of itself. I decided to take my chances. The fat lady behind the counter rang me up and announced the total, which to no surprise, seemed slightly inflated.

Me: How much is the water?
Lady: 1R70
Me: I don't want it.
Lady: (with attitude) I already rang it in.
Me: (with attitude) Well, take it off.

She stood there for a few seconds not knowing what to do and eventually subtracted the water from the total in her fat brain and asked for the new balance. I gave it to her and went across the street to buy a water from the competition. I showed her! Of course, I didn't, but out of principle I refused cause I never would have brought it to the register in the first place if the price had been marked.

And I let this shit get to me! Gad man, it's hard to have a really good day when you dwell on stupid shit like this. If I wasn't so cheap and I would have just said Yeah man, no problem, here's 50,000. Keep the change, bro! And said to her Hmmm, that seems a little expensive, but I bet that water will be amazing. Or if I could only do what I do and then forget about it.

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