Saturday, March 16, 2013

Deep thoughts...

If my neighbor had a long range camera and had nothing better to do, I would have just been caught digging for gold. I think everyone picks their nose, kind of like masturbation, but there will always be some who deny it. Liars! Both, in my opinion, should be done in private and next time, I ought to make sure I'm not visible before I start picking my nose and eating it.

I wish I could tell my new landlord the reason my water use is so high is because his toilet doesn't know what to do with brown trout. I don't want to look at it so I'm going to keep pressing the handle until it swims downstream.

I know it's generally not advisable to pick at a mole with a sewing needle, especially an unsterilized one, but my dermatologist wasn't here to tell me otherwise. So, it wasn't really a mole, just the scar of a mole that had been treated by laser, but the brown stuff was growing back and I do not like the brown stuff. I pricked at the brown 'veins' until they bled and then scratched them off. Add antibiotic ointment, cover with a bandaid and voila! Well, we'll see about that.

My heart tells me I don't want to be a teacher again, not really ever. But my wallet is saying that maybe I should put up with it for a few months to look for something better and regain some cash. However, it is really hard for me to walk into a language center or send off my CV to an international school and pretend to want to work for them. I see other people living here who I can tell are teachers just based on the way they are dressed and I sigh and think I don't want to be that guy!

The problem with having a fridge is I tend to eat what's in there. When I never had food at home, it was far easier to control my appetite. Hungry? Go out and eat. Plenty of cheap, delicious options there are on the street or in restaurants here in Cambodia. But now? Open fridge and eat. Oops, I wasn't hungry. Repeat. Sigh, I need a job. You can say that again.

The problem with having wifi at home is that I'm starting to post stupid shit on Facebook again. I normally try to avoid that. There is an abundance of garbage already present that I don't need to make my own contribution, but without proper social outlets in my newly adopted city, I suppose I just don't know what else to do. Stop typing in the status update box!

You know those door handles that require two turns to the left with the key in order to lock it? One click, two clicks and then you hit "a wall" on the third attempt and have to go back and remove the key. Ever try and turn in three times every single time, just in case? Because maybe it's not completely locked that one time and if you don't check someone will break in and steal everything.

Why are some people so goddamn inconsiderate? I mean, I live in a densely packed neighborhood and there is some asshole pumping his tunes with considerable bass at 11:45pm. Ok, ok, it's Friday night, we should all be preparing to go out and hit the clubs, but the world ain't like that. Someone should go trace the source of the music and smash the stereo over his fucking head. You dumb inconsiderate cunt.

Somebody stole my helmet today. Fucker! I knew that was going to happen, but I refuse to carry the thing with me wherever I go. I guess it's going to happen again then. I want a cheap Vietnamese helmet, the kind that offers little protection in an accident, but won't get stolen and the police won't pester me for a bribe. I do want to protect my noggin, but not with one of the ridiculously big full-faced helmets that most people wear over here.

I have to say 'No' next time the papaya salad girl asks "spicy?" I reply "just a teeny weeny bit" while squeezing my thumb and pointy finger as close as they can get without actually touching. And then my mouth is on fire. How many times do I have to try and get it with just a little spice before I give up?

Man, these Cambodian police are persistent! Third time I've been pulled over and yes, I was in the wrong again. This time I turned into a street that said "do not enter" but there was no logical reason for it to be there so I went ahead anyway. I'm getting tired of the harassment. They only wanted 5000 riel ($1.25) but I still refused and told them I didn't have any money. I am a dick, for sure. Again, after a little whining and no indication that I was reaching for my wallet anytime soon, they let me go.

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