Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Good morning Cambodia!

Here I am in Siam Reap, again, and I am loving it. Not in the same way one loves McDonald's, from the pit of one's stomach, but from the heart. It has the right vibe, a place I could call home for a while. We'll see. I just walked by a restaurant, there are many here, where a waiter was spraying Raid on all the tablecloths. What the fuck! Of course you don't want insects on the table, but is that really necessary? I stopped, eyes partially bulging out of my head and asked as much. He said they used placemats to infer that the poison wouldn't be in contact with the food even if it fell off one's plate. Oh...in that case. I won't be eating there, but makes me wonder what all the other restaurants do to rid insects from their tabletops.

As I walked the alley this morning between Pub Street and the street adjacent to the Old Market, I searched for a cafe, ideally with air-conditioning because I am weak. It is insanely hot for 10 o'clock in the morning. My clothes are clinging to my sticky skin, which is not a nice feeling, ever, but especially not right after stepping out the door in the morning. I just freshened up! Anyway, I found a "cafe" - just a wee restaurant really - and the relative silence and cool breeze along with the chilled coconut are a perfect combination to start my day. The ant on the tablecloth, which eventually ran onto my keyboard and possibly under the keys had me wondering, if only briefly, if perhaps the other restaurant had the right idea. Don't ask, don't tell?

Oh the breeze feels amazing. Let me tell you. My coconut is gone now, as is my stream of consciousness. Oh well, I guess coconut juice saps creative potential. I'll be more aware next time I decide to post to my blog. Instead, I will savor the breeze, enjoy the people wandering, skating, sweating and begging. Not that I enjoy the latter, but it is somehow entertaining. Actually, as I write this, a young girl on rollerblades mere steps outside the restaurant continues to ask for a drink. I think I've changed my mind. Still, it's a part of life here and must be accepted.

Time to change my room. I need air-conditioning. Time to rent a bike. I need wheels. Time to apply some sunscreen. I need to protect my skin. Time to get some food. I am getting hungry. Time to visit the orphanage. I need some hugs and smiles. Time to meet a girl. I need some company. Time to get busy. I am tired of being so lazy!

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