Saturday, November 26, 2011

Malaysia day 1: KL

I'm sitting in my room at the Oasis Guest House and let me tell you one thing, this ain't no paradise. It's got a good price for Kuala Lumpur and I'm pretty sure that's about it. The fan works well so I don't think I'll be missing the air conditioner, but it screams louder than pig being slaughtered and if you've ever heard that miserable sound, you know I won't be sleeping much. Ok, slight exaggeration. Oh well, mistake number one! I'm upgrading, I promise, I can't tolerate this at my age.

First impressions of KL: ahhhh relative peace and quiet, ooooh diversity, birds, public transportation, buildings, nobody staring, i couldn't live here, i'm not considering living here, i'm just here on vacation, i need to find a cafe, i can't find a cafe, give me some street food, give me something to do, what do i do here, i need to get out of here, my feet hurt, beer is expensive, i'm not drinking, i'm going to bed early, where's the beach and why don't i have my own bathroom?

I'm feeling a little angry, but of course I am, that's just me. It happens when I make a bad decision. Fortunately, I can remedy that tomorrow. I'm also feeling a bit sad. I'm alone, but I have chosen to be alone. I think I just need to be sad for a minute. Or a week. I'm just not feeling very social and perhaps I should be, but I don't want to be. I don't want to go drink beers with other backpackers. And go through the typical backpacker conversation. Not tonight anyway. And I hate to say it, but I'm really not interested in white girls anymore. And thus, striking up a conversation is that much harder. I know, I'm a prick, but I've come to live with that and don't give a fuuuuuuck.

I'm also feeling pretty free at the moment and for that I'm grateful, but also have no idea how to fill my time. Cause I have so much of it now. I forgot how many hours there are in a day when you're not working or working out. Am I bored already? I know I'm tired. So what's next? I'm so lazy with doing research, I just want someone to tell me where to go. Penang? Ok, I'm on that bus tomorrow. Melaka? Sounds good to me.

In the meantime, I'm looking for things to do to fill my day. So I sat down for an early dinner at one of Chinatown's many eateries and had the worst, overpriced noodles for 10 ringgit (about $2.50) and then ate some kind of peanut pancake on the street for 0.80 ringgit (about $0.25) and that was immensely more satisfying and seemed to balance out my mood from being somewhat annoyed to back to normal. And now what? Fuck, it's only 7pm. I'm hiding in my room, this disgustingly confined space. I saw 3 backpacker places and this was by far the cleanest, it has that going for it.

This is one of those rare moments I'm actually jealous of the guy traveling with his girlfriend. He's got a traveling companion and something to do this evening. And he probably wisely upgraded his living situation on account of her. I should just pretend from now on. But in actuality, I know, being the aforementioned prick I am, I would be thinking, I need to get away for a minute. Can't this girl just enjoy the silence? Why does she have to order all the expensive shit on the menu? Can't we just walk there? And on and on and I realize it's pretty clear why I'm still single and that maybe, just maybe I'm the luckier one being alone and having the freedom to pick and choose who I want to spend my time with.

Well, enough nonsense for now. I need another peanut pancake and maybe I'll splurge for a beer. I was going to detox, but I'm just way too antisocial for my own good. I need some suggestions on what to do, where to go and I'm not getting any here. Plus my ass hurts. Up up and away!

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