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First impression - not so good! |
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Kuta, Bali - day 1
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Went to bed with my feet like this. Yes!! |
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Bali - first impression
Yesterday was a MAJOR ballache. I'll post about that later cause I need to get it out. This morning, I was ready to scream. Ready to kill. And I hated every motherfucker in the world. This too shall pass, I thought and that helped for a minute. And then the deep hatred for all things quickly returned. Except for smiling children and a good piece of tempeh.
I caught a taxi with a couple of Italian backpackers. We negotiated the rate to a quite reasonable price and were on our way to Kuta, the home of Australians away from Australia, so I'd heard. It was just good to be away from the bus station and all the dickheads who worked in that area. "Hey Mister!" Fuck you I muttered under my breath. "Where you go?" Suck my dick! Gaaaaaaaaad I was seriously losing it. I had only stayed in the area to go to Imigrasi to extend my visa so I could relax and enjoy my remaining days in Indonesia. But it was turning into a major major pain in the ass.
And now I'm in Kuta. I can't even begin to describe it. It's like TEN Khao San Roads rolled into one. Same same but different. I hate to say that, but it aptly describes the place. Sensory overload in a good way. I've seen more tourists in one afternoon than I've seen in the past month. And that is no exaggeration! There are so many people, so many convenience stores, discotheques, travel agents, atms, guesthouses, motorbikes, people speaking bahasa Inggris. Ahhh!
Usually I think I'd have found that appalling, but today is a different day. I know I'll reach that point of saturation when I have to get the fuck out of here as soon as possible, but I'm going to soak it in right now. And being in a hi-speed, cheap-as-fuck cafe with delicious local cuisine and beer, well, it might take a while for me to want to leave this place. A while, what does that mean? Could be as soon as I couple days, but I feel good now and I don't want to disturb that feeling. I seriously can't even begin to describe it.
Wow! Tyler is positive. I know, I know, but don't worry my next post will relive the previous few days and balance out this unexpected outpouring of positivity. Major sigh. I've got a room overlooking a swimming pool for 11 bucks. I just had a big cold beer for a bit more than 2 and it wasn't from the convenience store. I'm getting the majority of my clothes washed for 5 bucks. And most importantly, I'm getting my visa extended for 65. Just thinking about doing it myself was torture. The taxi rides to Immigration alone and getting all the necessary paperwork in order around the new year was going to cost more and cause acid reflux. It's worth the extra outlay of cash just to avoid the ulcer that was on its way.
The last month has been an experience full of ups and downs. Unfortunately, without counting on my fingers, it seems like there were more downs. I'm doing everything right, I thought, why is all this shit happening to me?? Tired as fuck from 8 hour local bus rides. Tired of being told it's an air-conditioned VIP bus and then getting a local shit-mobile that stops every 100 meters. Tired of Hello Mister! Tired of these one-night affairs without really getting to know a place and then heading out the next day without having seen anything or forged any relationships. Always on the move to the next place.
That is not my style of traveling and I had forgotten that. Now I just want to slow it down. To not be concerned about seeing everything. Cause I don't want to see everything! I don't appreciate much so that's the worst way for me to travel. I just want to be, not to do. And now that I've realized that, or re-realized that, I hope I can maintain this feeling for a change. Cause it feels good to not be a raging asshole on occasion. There is a lot of noise here, but in a way it's a good noise. I'm alone, but I'm not alone.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Christmas has in fact, been a major pain in the ass this year. Quite literally. I left the island of Karimunjawa last night at 11pm to head back to the mainland. It was a 6 hour slow ferry ride with occasional flashes of lightening. It was actually relatively painless. More painful waiting for the ferry to depart than anything else. Fortunately, I was able to sleep in the reclining chair and my iPod kept me company, well at least drowned out the movie they were playing in the Eksekutif cabin.
Walking down the stairs of the ferry at 5am, still with sleep in my eyes, I was accosted by a pedicab driver. Gently accosted I must say. He didn't speak a single word - just made a pedaling motion with his hands and flashed how much it would cost with his fingers. I like this guy I thought as he didn't overwhelm me or annoy me immediately by jabbering away in a language I can barely understand. Keep it simple. I hopped in and away we went.
He took me straight to the bus terminal and straight to the nearly departing economy bus to Surabaya, my final destination. Amazing how the timing is nearly perfect every single time. I gave him a Christmas bonus, a whopping 50 cents, and felt like a dick for even having to consider whether the guy deserved it or not. He did, it was the least I could do for having this man take me to exactly the bus I needed without having to think. I like not thinking, it's just very difficult not to do.
This part of the journey was the most difficult. We departed at 5:15am and arrived in Surabaya around 1:30pm. There was no VIP bus option at 5:15 in the morning and the last thing I wanted to do was linger at a bus terminal on Christmas day waiting for a faster more comfortable bus. Instead, I was tucked onto this local bus, decent by local bus standards, but still difficult to bear for eight hours. Even a VIP bus would have lost its luster after that amount of time.
My knees hit the seat in front of me for most of the journey and my ever-changing neighbor's shoulders crammed against mine. It was too much, too much contact and too much heat in such close quarters. It was nice when I had a temporary reprieve from such conditions, when my neighbor left and nobody immediately took their place. Momentary joy I tell you.
I arrived in Surabaya and hadn't a clue where to go from the bus terminal. Oh, this again, I thought. I looked at the names and addresses of various budget hotels I had written down from the internet. Eventually I escaped the pedicab and taxi drivers and found my way to the city bus terminal and it was easy to find the correct bus just by saying the name of a street. I had to wait 15 minutes for my bus to depart, but that gave me time to unsuccessfully seek out something to eat. Oh well, I wasn't that hungry, just bored and looking for something to do.
The city bus was probably unnecessary, but it didn't take that much time and it was cheap. Next time after such a long journey I'll probably splurge for a taxi. But it was easy enough. I was alerted when we arrived near the street I requested and I got out and within a few minutes was in front of the Sparkling Backpacker Hotel. By no means was it sparkling nor was there any evidence of backpackers. I didn't see evidence of any guests, but apparently all the rooms with bathrooms were full. I wasn't really in the mood to share a bathroom considering my state of constipation so I went on my way, disappointed, but not annoyed, yet.
I lugged my shit to the next dive, with stains on the sheets and hairs on the floor. I just couldn't do it and besides, there was absolutely nothing to do in the surrounding area. At least it seemed that way. I walked to the next hotel. They were not exactly next to each other. This one was even nicer and I would have accepted had they had a double bed despite it being on the fourth floor. But the floor was dirty, it smelled like cigarettes and they only had two single beds in the room. Just not cutting it for twice the price I normally pay. Fuck!
So, I decided to just take the Backpacker place, it was only for one night I thought. And at least it seemed closer to a happening area if you could call it that. There were just two rooms available upon my initial inspection and upon my return, just the room with windows remained. I don't like big windows facing the street because I can't sleep. I thought they were fucking with me, who the hell was staying at this hotel?? I lost my shit, threw my bags on the floor and kicked them across the floor. Embarrassing, yes. Usually I'm able to restrain myself from such behavior.
I walked and I walked and I walked to the next place. The standard room was just that, very standard. I upgraded to the deluxe room for the extra space and well, for $17, the most expensive room I've had in Indonesia, it's acceptable. I'm not thrilled, but I needed a room more desperately than I've ever needed a room being that close to collapse and utter frustration. I checked in, immediately stripped off my sweaty clothes, downed a liter of water, took a cold shower (the only option available) and shaved off the day's annoyances. Oh and the stubble from my face.
It's now 7pm on Christmas and I'm doing better. Still have a slight headache from a week ago, which is strange and mildly annoying. Of course it is, after a week, it's fucking annoying. Anyway, I'm doing better than I was four hours ago. I'm in clean clothes, I've taken a walk and I'm now hiding in the dark in the hotel's small restaurant - my face illuminated in the darkness by my laptop's glow. It's still raining outside, but that can't dampen my spirits any more than they've already been today.
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Buses to Jepara
Anyway, I'm in Jepara. And I had a million things to complain about when I first arrived. Let's see if I can remember them. I'll start from the beginning. I left the Paradiso Homestay via becak (pedicab) around 10 this morning. I slept well for the most part and left the city of Solo behind with no regrets. It was best seen sitting in the shade of the pedicab knowing I was on my way to the bus station. Actually, I'm sure I missed something - it's just a shame I'll never know what it was.
I got to the station and the air-conditioned bus was waiting for me. I had time to use the toilet, buy some fried tempeh and within minutes we were on our way to Semarang. Perfect timing, I love it when that happens. The trip was a bit over the stated two hours. Aside from not being able to store my pack under the bus, which was a minor annoyance because I was inconveniencing others, I had nothing to complain about. Oh! Except for the lady who kept talking to me in Bahasa Indonesia and laughing even after I said Saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia!
We arrived at the bus terminal in Semarang and again, like clockwork, I was able to use the toilet, buy some more tempeh and be directed almost seamlessly to the waiting bus, which departed within minutes of my arrival. They were waiting for me! This bus, more of the local variety, was the kind you take for the experience, but in this case, I had no other option. Fortunately I had a seat because it got tight in there. The experience lasted close to three hours.
The last hour every sign on every building said Jepara, but the bus kept going. I looked out the windows anxiously hoping there would be something to do, something to see here - unlike the previous place. I didn't see a single hotel or anything resembling accommodation. I saw a lot of convenience stores and often thought, I hope this is it, it'll be so convenient to be near a convenience store. Because if there wasn't anything to do, I could at least look for something new and exciting to eat. But no, we kept going and going all the way to the terminal.
At the terminal, I realized I hadn't done my homework and hadn't a clue where to go. And this becak driver started squawking at me as soon as I got off the bus. I was relentless and nearly evolved into fisticuffs. Not really. I was able to quickly get some names of local hotels from a quick Google search on my mobile and surmised that it wouldn't be prudent to try and walk there in my current state of irritation.
As much as I didn't want to, I hopped onto the annoying, but patient man's becak and soon we were at the Hotel Seguro. All of a sudden, this town looked alright. Maybe my view was distorted looking out of the dirty windows of the bus. I went to reception and asked to look at the cheapest room, which was full. Ok then, the room with A/C. For 120,000 rupiah in this small outpost of a town, it seemed a bit expensive compared to what I have been paying throughout Indonesia.
The room was decent, but had a squat toilet. I moaned about that. I had to moan about something. I wouldn't have minded if it was 60,000. A bunch of mosquitoes took flight when I opened the bathroom door so I let her know about that too. And I made sure they had spray. I agreed to the room, checked in and went to take a shower. And slowly I began to realize the place was alright. It had more than I usually had. A blanket on the bed, soap, two towels, a tv and A/C, not that I needed it. I decided I was going to apologize, blaming it on the long bus rides and just being tired and cranky.
But first I went to take a shower. And then I realized there wasn't a shower! Just one of those holding tanks in the corner and a bucket. What. The. Fuck. A bucket shower would have been fine if the price was half of what it was. So, I put my clothes back on and went to voice my displeasure. Not angrily, just to unnecessarily say you guys don't have a shower?
I was told that none of the rooms had showers, except for the 300,000 VIP room. So I returned to my room and partook in my first bucket shower in a long time and surprisingly didn't mind it a bit. It was strange to have such a quiet shower and be clean just the same. I slowly began to breathe again and anticipated an early dinner in the hotel's restaurant, also the hotspot area. And again, I ate tempeh. Grilled tempeh with rice, vegetables and an iced tea. Food is cheap and delicious here.
And now, it's only 6pm and I am content. Just need some more tempeh later, some mosquito repellent and some sunblock from the inconveniently located convenience store and I'll be on cloud nine. Oh and I have to find out of the ferry is in fact departing tomorrow morning at 9. If not, I'll be disappointed, but not surprised and on the first local bus out of here. I checked with everyone, the internet and tourist offices and the slow ferry only leaves on MWF from this town.
Not looking forward to the 6-hour ride tomorrow as I really don't like being on boats for long periods of time, but it supposedly brings me to paradise. I'll make sure I buy the VIP class ticket so I have less to complain about. In the meantime, I will try to confirm the ferry departure in the morning and try to keep the smile on my face. Sometimes that can be difficult.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Escaping the Austrian
Friday, December 16, 2011
Train to Yogyakarta
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Sibayak Volcano
There are two active volcanoes in the town of Berastagi in North Sumatra. One is apparently quite difficult to climb and is called Sinabung. The other, named Sibayak, is supposedly a lot easier. It was by no means difficult, but it wasn’t a walk in the park either. I arrived in Berastagi in the late afternoon, cold and tired after a series of long bus trips from Lake Toba. I almost decided to bus it all the way back to Medan and skip the climb entirely after seeing the shitty weather conditions. But I gave it a chance and I’m glad I did.
The weather cleared in the morning and the sun was shining as it does there apparently. I left the guest house with Gavin, from England and his girlfriend Ana, from Spain. It was 8am. We walked to the park entrance gathering provisions along the way and declined multiple local bus offers to take us to the start of the hike. We wanted to walk and besides, could get a better view of what lied ahead.
It was practically a paved road the majority of the way up, past a decent sized landslide and then up some stairs that were relatively hidden at the end of the road. We almost got lost and headed down a small trail through the jungle until thankfully Ana intervened and suggested we ought to look more carefully for another trail before we just assumed this was it. Being men, we were hesitant to agree, but I’m so glad we did as the real trail, once we found it, was way easier.
We got to the top fairly quickly, only passing two locals on their way down, who must have ascended from the other side of the mountain. The views were good, the smell was sulfurous and the noise from the relatively abundant fumaroles was quite loud. I think it was about 11:30 when we got to the top. We walked around the top for a bit, admired the views in all directions, took pictures and we could see that soon it would get covered in clouds and be potentially difficult to find our way to the bottom if that was the case.
So we looked for the ‘stairs’ and eventually found the path that took us to the hot springs at the bottom. We enjoyed a soak in them just past the geothermal plant, which seemed to be big business located just at the base of the hill. About the time we left the hot springs and back into our dirty sweaty clothes, it started to rain and we knew we had timed it right, if not left a little bit late. It was a long walk back to the main road and at this point, it was raining pretty heavily and we hoped to catch a bus back to town.
What we didn’t realize was that we were roughly 10-15 kilometers away from town, we were walking on the main highway and there were no buses coming. Fortunately, we all managed to cram into the front of a truck whose driver ever so nicely pulled over when he saw our desperate thumbs. That made the journey a good one, a memorable one, not having to walk those last kilometers in the pouring rain.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Written a couple of nights ago
Some quick notes before I go to sleep. For once, I am feeling positive. I like when that happens. I am in Berastagi, 3 local buses and 5 hours from Parapet. The first bus was a shit mobile that clanked up and around Lake Toba. After about an hour we stopped at Siantar. I got off and almost immediately got on the next bus and we took off. Great timing. It was an even bigger piece of shit than the previous clunker. I didn’t even have a seat, more like a bench with my back to the driver and facing the other 20 passengers, 4 rows deep. It wasn't terribly comfortable to look at all these faces nor was it physically comfortable either. And for about two hours we rode like that, with me barely holding onto the seat and trying not to fall onto the tiny old lady in front of me with her pink, betel-nut juice stained purse in her lap.

Warm and content, I went up the street to what appeared to be the main thoroughfare in town and asked a guy in a bakery where the Sunrise Hotel was and to my surprise he spoke enough English to direct me there. Everyone on the street seemed surprised to see me and were very pleasant to interact with. I found the guest house and met a couple who also planned to hike the volcano tomorrow. They seemed very easy to get along with and were a nice find. The first thing I did was book the room with the hot shower. And it was well worth the extra $3 for that blast of heat. And I’m going to enjoy it in the morning as well.
After making plans to do the hike together tomorrow, I went out to try and book a ticket to Jakarta and get some more food. The guy in the internet cafe was really nice and the cafe was one of the coolest I've seen. Very basic, but with private cubicles, in which you sat on the ground. I miss a big screen and the speed of desktops! I realize how much of a piece of shit my netbook really is.
After that, I strolled down to the main strip again and sat down and had too much food. Had the nasi goreng (fried rice) complete with sambal (chili sauce), peanuts and egg with some more hot tea and bullshitted with 3-4 guys working there or nearby. They spoke enough English and it felt good to have normal conversations with normal folks. They taught me some words and I kept scarfing the food down. Then they directed me across the street where I could buy some martabak, this folded pancake look-a-like with peanuts, sugar and chocolate in the middle and brushed with margarine on the outside. It was quite good, almost too sweet and now I am way too stuffed.
Probably will climb the volcano without having breakfast. Hopefully it won’t rain in the morning as I am looking forward to this and the soak in the hot springs afterwards. I might even stay another night just to chill out in town and try more local cuisine and talk to more random people. I like random cities. This place has a reason for tourists to come, but there’s practically no one here. Seems to be the case in most places I've been thus far in Indonesia. I’m not complaining. Lights out. Good night!
Friday, December 9, 2011
New day, please
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Local bus trip to Bukit Lawang
Medan, Northern Sumatra
My hotel in Medan was nothing to write home about. Just enough to take a picture and post it on Facebook. For 50,000 rupiah (about $6) it was nothing fancy. Just two single beds and an enclosed bathroom. And it was on the fourth floor, a bit of a hike, but I couldn't complain for the price. Most importantly to me, it seemed like it would be quiet. In retrospect, it would have been nice to have a sheet on the bed although I seemed to sleep adequately without. Also would have been nice to have a sink and some toilet paper, but maybe for $6 I'm asking too much!
I didn't find much to do in the town. After a nice Indian lunch with my local friend I was on my own to rest and explore. After some internet research and plenty of wasted time on Facebook and not doing what I initially intended on doing, I ventured outside and was quickly asked for an interview by some young girls around the Grand Mosque. It was nice to actually talk to someone and bonus, feel like I was doing them a favor. After some meaningless exchanges and forced questions, I could see that I would probably eventually tire of such 'interviews' if they happened on a daily basis.
I walked around mapless in the direction of the biggest buildings. I didn't see much. I got a lot of smiles and felt generally positive about being here and thinking it's going to be good time. I walked through a mall and quickly found my way out. Turned out to be mostly an overheated amusement park for children and none of the stores had anything I would have been interested in buying, namely local food and drink.
A while later, I ended up at the public swimming pool. And eventually got my bearings when a female attendant pointed me in the right direction after nearly entering the women's changing area. Got a lot of stares and joined the kids diving off the side and swimming short laps width-wise instead of length-wise. Unfortunately I couldn't completely let my guard down as I left my bag containing my laptop, digital camera, mobile phone, iPod, wallet and passport by the side of the pool. Could only imagine popping my head up to see it missing so I didn't stay underwater for any great length of time.
In general, I felt a little unsafer than I typically do in Vietnam. Some sketchy looking people in the midst of all the friendly folk and the most disturbing was the bare-chested, barefoot one-eyed guy who might have had dried blood on his face if I'm remembering correctly. I probably made that part up, but I honestly can't remember. Might have just been scars. In any case, his glance wasn't friendly in nature and I hastened my pace and felt glad it wasn't dark. He probably didn't have much to lose.
I enjoyed an early dinner at Raya Cafe near to my hotel. The local specialty, Nasi Goreng aka fried rice, was delicious. Couldn't complain for a buck. The beer also hit the spot. My laptop on the other hand, couldn't connect and I was ready to beat the shit out of it. One of these days, I swear, hopefully after I get all the important stuff transferred to a usb and have a new, faster replacement in the wings.
Late, late later, I went to a local bar/restaurant to have a drink with my friend. On a Sunday night, it was less than packed and the big Guinness tasted nothing like a Guinness, but it was good nonetheless. Felt like a strange place for sure. With smoke in the air and so few customers, it felt like I was in a once popular Nevada casino or a bingo hall back in the eighties. Can't say why exactly, it just didn't feel like Indonesia was going to feel. And the ride home, the same. Could have been back in my hometown on a rainy night. Maybe it's cause I wasn't walking, in a bus, in a tuk tuk or on the back of a motorbike. When I got back to my hotel, reality set in.
And in the morning, I set sail from Medan (i.e. took the local bus) to the jungle a bit further south. More to come soon.