Friday, September 7, 2012

Rainy days, cheap booze and delicious curries

I'm pretty much only writing this so I don't have to look at the greased up bodybuilders in my previous post every time I look at my blog. Move it on down the page, please. It kind of disturbs me. I'm also writing this to kill an hour before going back to a bar up the hill to gaze my eyes upon a pretty girl. It'll be a more suitable time to imbibe a frosty ale and I'll also have the opportunity to slip into something more comfortable. It's happy hour and the beer is still outrageously priced at one dollar. Hell, I could go down to the beach and get one for 50 cents, but I guess you pay more for scenery.

I was on my way back from the pharmacy where I had just procured myself a new set of earplugs. Bright orange ones they are. My old ones, greasy and a bit sandy from when I dropped them on the floor of my bungalow the other night, were slowly deteriorating. In fact, I woke up this morning with the broken tip of one earplug lodged in my left ear. Oops. I ascertained the situation and decided in a foggy haze to attempt its extraction by inserting my tongue scraper along the side of my ear canal and somehow digging it out. Long story short, after about fifteen attempts, much to my relief, it came out and I inserted my iPod in its place and attempted to get some more shuteye. But that didn't work.

Anyway, I was on my way back from the pharmacy when I heard the siren's call of lonely barmaids. One lovely lady, three faceless figures and one ladyboy were all seemingly talking at once, however the ladyboy didn't seem happy. What's wrong with him? I asked. She didn't like that. Trying to ignore him, I continued my conversation with the aforementioned lovely lady trying to assess the situation before pinky swearing I'd be back soon. I don't want to find out what will happen if I renege on my promise. Pinky swears are serious over here!

I'm staying at @Home guesthouse here in Sihanoukville. Drop by and say hi if you're in the area. It's on Serendipity Beach Road. There seem to be a lot of prostitutes here, not that you'll see any of them coming out of my room. I might come out of their's though. Oh come on, have a laugh. Keep the faith. Some of these girls are at it all day and all night. Like machines. It's very interesting to see how these girls work and off-putting to say the least. Like a fly jumping from one turd to the next. Whoever offers the most bang for the for the bang.

So, I was out last night at the Moon Shack indulging in a late dinner on the beach. Sitting on a slightly damp cushioned papasan chair with a mostly-watered-down Angkor draft and seeing what the night had in store. Ended up going to places I never would have gone to in my twenties, but now that I'm older and wiser I somehow find them entertaining. Dirty beach shacks offering free shots, $1 cocktails and cheap buckets open until the wee hours with mostly backpacker types liquored up in tank tops and flip flops. 

I went to JJ's first, had a shot and ordered a free whiskey red bull. She gave me a whiskey coke. After some subpar conversation and the exodus of nearly 80% of the female patrons, I ordered a whiskey red bull, actually got it and proceeded down the beach. I made my way to the Dolphin Shack, offering similar drink specials and offering a much better ratio of girls to guys. I was too late to get the free drink with accompanying flyer so I opted for another dollar red bull cocktail. The liquor is actually not as strong as the expensive stuff, which I think is a good thing. 

It was a happening place and with a lot of dollar drink specials and not too many bar options at this time, I could understand why. I stayed there for the duration, flirting, dancing, drinking, chatting and eventually heading home alone around 2am after talking to way too many ladyboys. But having said that, there were two who were quite fascinating and I'd be happy to partake in more dancing tonight. They were hilarious. I don't want to get naked or lock lips, but anyone with looks and personalities like those two could easily get befriended by yours truly.

I could not sleep last night. Maybe I had too much red bull. Or possibly it was the two coffees I had drunk earlier. That again. Why do I even bother with that stuff? Oh yeah, cause it tastes good. So I tossed and turned, rose to pee far too many times, inserted my earplugs far too deeply and ended up rising way too early after not nearly enough hours of sleep. But apparently it was enough. The red bull still in my veins, I went for a jog on the beach all the way to the end of Occheuteal Beach and back, stripped off my sweaty tank, ran into the waves under an overcast sky and bodysurfed all the way back in on a great, well-chosen wave. A great start to a mediocre day.

And now at nearly 8pm on a Friday night, I'm fading here on the balcony. It's almost time to sip some more red bull, but first I need to put on a different dirty shirt and get that beer, as promised. And then let gravity assist me down the hill to the Moon Shack where a curry awaits. And we'll proceed from there. It'll probably rain again, but can't let getting wet bring me down. Just more fun for the idiots who end up sleeping on the beach in their drunken stupor. I will not be one of them. Time to sign off. Just saying all is well. Believe me. Safe, relatively sane and slowly but surely, one step closer to enlightenment. 

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