Monday, December 10, 2012

Red pianos, magic dragons and whipped cream

Puff the Magic Dragon is playing in the distance. Sounds like someone is singing karaoke because it is a poor rendition. Rather odd since this is Cambodia, but I am in the heart of the tourist center after all. At a place full of more tourists at times than perhaps any other place in Siem Reap other than say Angkor Wat or Temple Bar, this city's prime attractions. I am at The Red Piano, which is rather empty at the moment, but I am enjoying the relative peace & quiet. I can dig it. The first time I've ever set foot in this establishment and it's nice to know there actually is a red piano on the second floor. The food was ok. I overdosed on salt, pepper and chili sauce in my double omelet baguette sandwich and washed it down with a tiny cup of coffee and a nasty coconut cookie.

Today is a celebratory day of sorts. Last night I shaved my mustache. It was day 53. It was holding me back from reaching my full potential, too sweaty and too reminiscent of whiskers than a mustache ought to be. It's a bit sad, but I feel rejuvenated, especially after my two dollar haircut this morning. A bit like having an ice cold beer after a hard day's work. A shower after a hot, sweaty day working in the sun. Sex after a long dry spell. Cutting and cleaning your toenails. Popping an irritating boil. Eating a ripe, juicy mango after days of stale, cold lumpy white rice. Sleeping on a bed after days camping on lumpy soil. Seeing a real woman in a crowd of ladyboys. They still exist!

Don't know what to do with myself today. Second day off in a row. But we are filming for a few more days, back at it in the morning. So that being said, I have to go to the orphanage and clean up the location for tomorrow morning's shoot, which will most certainly be destroyed by kids highly trained in the art of destruction. Give them anything and it is almost guaranteed to be broken, missing or defunct within 24 hours. That's why I don't give them anything anymore. I swear, if I gave them a bicycle, it would be fucked up the next day. If I gave them clothes, they would be torn or missing. It is extremely frustrating and despite all the pleading to take care or don't touch or please keep, these pleas seemingly go in one ear and out the other.

So, when I feel giving, I tend to give only food or drink and let their digestive systems ruin it. It's amazing how fast a bag of cookies disappears. Oh wait, I'm talking about myself. But seriously, something different and delicious gets consumed faster than you can holy shitballs! Naturally, it's a fight for survival. I can only imagine my Mom growing up in a household of twelve kids and fighting for an extra spoonful of beans or a slightly bigger scoop of ice cream. I remember always wanting more than the next guy and especially more than my brother and sister. It's my competitive nature. I was Mr. More as I child, as I am often reminded.

Time to go get a needle in my chest. One last keloid injection. And some papaya. And some Vitamin D. And then it'll be time to sweat it up at the orphanage and give it the Midas touch. Or at least like squirting a little whipped cream on some dog shit. Hard to convert a Pinto into a Porsche. I won't miss the flies when this is all said and done, but I will miss the kids. They deserve better. 

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